Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Zeitgeist and utopia

Zeitgeist and Utopia
Question: Attempt to define the term zeitgeist and utopia using based on my on existing knowledge.
1.1.Zeitgeist, in the year 2009 I one watched a conspiracy film named zeitgeist. And it was basically exposing how the human population is being lied to by its leaders, for example the 9/11 that happened in the United State was said to have been organized by the US president. So in my existing knowledge I thought the term zeitgeist referred to being lied/ fooled by someone or it had something to do with conspiracies about illuminati.
1.2.Utopia, the bible has put an image in our heads that The Garden of Eden was the most perfect place a human being would have loved to live in. You didn’t have to work for what you eat food was provided, it was depicted as a paradise place.

Question: Define the term zeitgeist.

1.      The term zeitgeist is a German word that refers to the spirit of the time; general trend of thought of feeling characteristics of a particular period of time. It also the general intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era.
Question: Explain how it relates to graphic design?

I think it relates to Graphic Design because in that time of history there was a new trend that was going on that influenced the art and design industry in terms of the mood  and the lookn and feel in their work.
Images relating to zeitgeist

Question: define the trerm Utopia.

Utopia is the term used to define an imagenary or real place that is said to be ideal or perfect. Also known as paradise.

Images relating to Utpoia.

  1. What information did you find?
  2. How did you go abot selecting the relevent information?
  3. How does the cotext help with distinguishing relevant from irrelavent information?
  4. What images do you find linked to this term?
  5. Which of these sites interest you?
  6. What key words will help refine our source?

  1. I found information that relates to the terms but some was unrelated for example you would fine art sites that relatethe zeitgeist.
  2. i did not select any information from wekipedia.
  3. The context helped me understand the term better, relavent information would then be refering to the past movement when seraerching for zeitgeist and all infomation realting to utopia was simmilar in context.
  4. Zeitgeist i found images that would confuse you if you did not know or understant the word. Utopia images were quite similar in showing perfect dream-like places.
  5. The site about zeitgeist movement.
  6. zeitgeist, definition or utopia definition.
Relavent URL's

Saturday, 9 March 2013

The influence of technology in our lives

 Daily use of technology in 2013

The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from about 1760 to some time between 1820 and 1840.The invention of the stem engine is what started the industrial revolution.The Industrial revolution began in Britain andwithin a few decades spread to Western Europe and the United States.It marks a major turning point in history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. 
Our lives are influenced by technology on a daily basis, in such a way that technology has become a norm in our lives.New inventions are made everyday, technology evolves faster then the human race but yet we are still interdependent.We use technology to simplify our lives in various ways ranging from communication to making a cup of tea.From the moment we wake up we depend on technology, whether its a cell phone or a car.

A documentation of a single day in 2013

ž6:00 am- wake up via alarm on CELLPHONE.
ž6:30 am- make coffee with KETTLE
ž7:00 am- brush teeth wit TOOTHBRUSH
ž7:30 am- get dressed wit CLOTHES
ž8:00 am- drive to class with TRANSPORTATION
ž12:00- lunch, get food from REFRIGERATOR.
ž12:30- watch TELEVISION.
ž18:00- switch on LIGHTS.
ž18:00- cook food on the STOVE
ž20:00- go to BED and switch of the LIGHTS.
Feelings about the affects of technology
An extreme dependency on technology is experienced, this dependency can be seen as good or bad.Its good because technology simplifies our lives to an extent, but bad because we stand a chance to loos our traditions and cultural values to the new age. the world may be big on a geological scale, but through the use of technology we are unified.Technology can simplify our lives but it can also deprive us from being productive. Instead of doing something we sit in front of the television for hours.

Generation gap

Our parents and grand parents may not share the same view of technology that we do.For them Google is the internet, tablets are something they drink in the morning and cellphones are for emergencies only.But the fact is that they are as dependent on technology as we are. They also watch television to hear the news, they use modern transportation to get from point a to point the end, no matter how big the generation gap, technology andthe evolution there of affects everyone.


To conclude: technology does make our life easier, we are dependent on the evolution of technology, it may have its own advantages and disadvantages but the bottom line is that WE ARE SURROUNDED BY TECHNOLOGY, we must just draw the line between living life and using technology