Thursday 3 October 2013


The aim of this post is to find contemporary political satires and explain on thei commentry. I chose Zapiro's work -most well known South African Illusrator- who focuses of the political satire about sitiations that are faced by South Africa.
In the image above Zapiro was making a comment about Zuma and the rape charges that he was faced with. The shower head is symbol of a statement that Jacob Zuma made about how a shower can cure HIV/AIDS, he now uses the shower head in every illustration that represents Zuma.

In this illustarion, Zapiro is making a comment about the Julius Malema, during the time he was being removed from the ANC political party. The person in the TV screen is a reresantation if Julius Malema, by him saying "im being targeted by the forces of darkness!" his reffering to witchcraft. Zapiro turned it into a joke by putting a guy on the couch making a comment about his statement.
 In the above image Zapiro is making a comment about how the Mandela Family was acting while Nelson Mandela was sick in hospital. The family was fighiting over power.


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